dBW Web Site Design
From 1st September 1997, dBW can provide and design services for your Internet or Intranet site for all of your companies needs. We can also draw upon our extensive skills in the IT industry to offer applications programming for your web site. We may also get your present IT systems working on the World Wide Web, call us to discuss details.
Do your business needs demand:
[Bullet] A WebSite on the Internet or on your Intranet
[Bullet] Access to, and interaction with, any required information at any time and from anywhere - your office, a foreign office, customers in cyberspace
[Bullet] Working effortlessly with all common file formats
[Bullet] Platform independent solutions that work with Windows, Mac and Unix
[Bullet] Affordable Enterprise solutions that previously were only available to the Corporate Giants and Banking Institutions

Your global presence could double, quadruple or more the size of your business. Imagine it now, and let us help turn that into a reality. Fill out the request form below or give us a call.


Key benefits of Internet or Intranet.

[Bullet] Intranet - Run networked applications, right on your desktop.
[Bullet] Intranet - Provide any information service to your own company, 24 hours a day.
[Bullet] Intranet - Platform independent systems that can run on Windows 3.x/95/NT, Unix, Linux, OS/2, AppleMac, NC (Network Computer).
[Bullet] Intranet - Future proof your business applications and take advantage of emerging Network Computer technologies
[Bullet] Internet - Provide a product information service, 24 hours a day.
[Bullet] Internet - Sell your goods and services to the world, 24 hours a day.
[Bullet] Internet - Cost effective global presence.

Java or Visual Basic based applications that execute within a browser on an Internet Web Site or Intranet site and can be database enabled using a three tier relational database system linking to Oracle, SQL Server, Access and xBase. Database Workshop has been specialising in Database design and implementation since inception with many 4GL's and Client Server systems already installed. dBW can also provide these and other innovative solutions for your Internet or Intranet needs. For legacy or existing DOS and Windows applications, it well may also be possible for Database Workshop to dynamically integrate any stored data directly with the Internet or onto an Intranet.
Platform Independance.
Java based applications can run on Windows, Unix, OS/2 and AppleMac and, you dont need expensive client computer systems to run these applications either. Using the latest in compiler technology, Java code can execute at close to the speed of C++, making sure that you can move quickly on with the rest of your days tasks. "Thin client" software will run on most Java capable web browsers available today, for best results and platform compatibilty we recommend Netscape Navigator 3 and above. With Java skills and VB expertise in house, dBW can write your custom software to fit most, if not all of your requirements.
Network Computer (NC)
Because Java is platform independent, applications will also execute on the NC. In fact, the NC is the first computer technology available that embraces Java at it's core. It is also claimed that NC ownership and administration costs are lower than a PC or NetPC system providing real cost effective scalable solutions to larger corporations.

Reference Accounts

Transco, a part of BG Plc
Business News System to run on the company Intranet providing secure upto the minute financial information pages for use by Company Directors.
DataBase Workshop Limited
Well that's us, but judge for yourself from the very pages you are reading !!
Our no-nonsense, straight forward website is like a breath of fresh air for a bandwidth challenged telephone system. Wowfab groovy
graphics, mp3 music files and applets are fine by us however, they may put off prospective clients with a slow access link onto the Internet. If you do have the time, why not try out our WaitWaitWait (Wł) pages with Java Applets, Activex, database, great images and multimedia. You will need the Winamp plugin (recommended) to play compressed mpeg layer 3 files (mp3). Visit our Wł pages and follow the links to download Winamp.

Download this great Desktop bitmap now. Don't worry if your screen resolution is not 1280x1024, for WinNT/95 simply set the wallpaper to display the image centered and not tiled, then select adjust to fit, voila. Win3.x users cannot set the bitmap to auto size, so only the centre of the bitmap will be displayable with our contact details.

Unzip dbw_dtop.zip (1,550KBytes) to your windows directory and adjust your screen settings or control panel for Win3.x.

File Contents
dbw_dtop.bmp.........3,932,214 Bytes Uncompressed

Information Request Form

Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

Have a salesperson contact me



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