Database Workshop Ltd is an IT consultancy and Software house. We offer complete high performance solutions to IT problems for organisations large and small, in the private and the public sector. We specialise in the following:
Custom Software Solutions | Systems to augment and integrate existing systems |
Intranet and Internet Web Design | Websites · Intranets · Remote Access · Use data regardless of location, file format or operating system |
System Audits | A report on your
computerware, suitability and compatibility Year 2000 problems - identify and solve |
Legacy Code and Data | Keeping in with the old and adding new ideas on how to access that old data. |
Business Process Reengineering | Business Process Reexamination, Redesign and Reengineering |
- Do your business needs demand
- A WebSite on the Internet or on your Intranet
- Access to, and interaction with, any required information at any time and from anywhere - your office, a foreign office, customers in cyberspace
- Working effortlessly with all common file formats
- Platform independent solutions that work with Windows, Mac and Unix
- Affordable Enterprise solutions that previously were only available to the Corporate Giants and Banking Institutions.
- Your global presence could double, quadruple or more the size of your business. Imagine it now, and let us help turn that into a reality.
- Is your software failing you? Are you laboriously re-keying information? Then you might consider bespoke software. We can:
- Tailor a complete custom software solution designed to your specification
- Produce an add-on for an existing system
- Integrate two or more existing systems
- Developing in Java for a range of platforms based on Windows, Unix or OS/2 or with Visual Basic and Clarion for Windows only. Using state of the art software development tools whether they are Java or non-Java based, browser based or stand alone, we can tailor a solution that will run on almost any platform.
- dBW can help break the cycle by providing custom software services to get you not only working but working smarter ...
- We examine the organisations computerware, including the networks, and then
- Report on items requiring upgrade or replacement
- Examine how compatible the hardware and software items are with each other
- All this is viewed constantly with your strategy in mind.
- Heading off Year 2000 compliance problems: Following careful examination of your computerware, we can report to you fully on what needs to be done and when the action needs to be taken.
- We see the workplace as a meeting place of manpower and machines. They are combined in processes to secure a common goal.
Sometimes it is necessary to step back and reexamine the processes.
- What is the main goal?
- What are the contributory goals?
- How are the goals being acheived?
- Does all the activity contribute to the achievement of the goal?
- Is there a better way of going about it?
- This is BPR, Business Process Reexamination, Business Process Redesign.
- Why is an IT company interested in BPR? IT now sits at the heart of business processes. Good IT can make a business great. Bad IT can break a good business. Good IT promotes the best business processes.
- Nowadays BPR and IT are like the proverbial horse and carriage, you can't have one without the other.
- Do we know all about your business? No. This is how we work the magic:
You bring your know-how and we bring ours, together we can make workable solutions.
- Maintainance of legacy code or data may also be affected by Y2000 problems. As if you did not have enough to do already with maintaining current systems, dBW can ease the burden of maintaining old code and data for the following systems.
- Quick Basic 4.x
- Visual Basic (all versions)
- C/C++
- Clarion (all versions)
- dBase (all versions, including fox/clipper/diamond/quicksilver derivitives)
- MS Access (all versions)
- Accusoft Imaging